Dynamic Layout Markup Language
See also Site Map
- all objects have platforms (owners), which are tied to modules - platforms control configuration - all objects within a platform scope have a platform - each platform has itself as its platform - all platforms have a module - all modules can have platforms - platforms, and selected (design time) descendents, are containers, which control behaviour - all containers can have components - components have a container - all objects can have children - all objects can have a parent - all objects which have no parents are trees (root objects) dlml .trees[] (root objects, set by DLManager$setobjectrelations) .objectheap[] (all objects, set at runtime by DLManager$createobjectfromxml()) module .platforms[] (platforms of this module, set by DLManager$setobjectrelations) //most of the following set by DLManager$setobjectrelations platform .parent (if not root) .children[] (if has children) .platform=this (always this, set by system) .module (set at design time - defines the object as an platform) .iscontainer=true (always true, set by system at runtime) .container (if has container ancestor) .components[] (if has descendents) .mode container .parent (should always have parent, only platform should be root) .children[] (if has children) .container (should always have container, either ancestor container, or platform) .platform (set at runtime) .iscontainer=true (set at design time) .components[] (if has descendants) object .parent (should always have parent, only platform should be root) .children[] (if has children) .container (should always have container, either ancestor container, or platform) .platform (set at runtime) child .parent (should always have parent, only platform should be root) .container (should always have container, either ancestor container, or platform) .platform (set at runtime)