Dynamic Layout Markup Language






- IE parser and chrome confused by object attribute named "default",
 "super" (without quotes)
- FF 2 requires <span class="dlcontent"> wrapped around block elements 
inside unknown html, ie inside dlobject elements. problem ignored with release of FF3
- Konqueror does not support innerHTML


To do:

- thoroughly test default mechanism

- allow redirection of target for css style to custom element index

- add animations to render(); write animation parser - effects (semicolon 
separator); animations, animationoptions (comma separator, semicolon separator)

- anonymous collections - "anonymous"

- styles have optional target: eg. "[liner]background-color:black"

- provide for clone?

- skin concept?

- selector and filter for selection where required

- mode

- implement $implements for Prototype, to copy properties from other prototypes

- implement "behavior=>pattern::event:response;
event:response...|pattern::..." analagous to style; allow groups ??

- statebehavior, statetransition??

- liner divs contain an additional structure:positionabsolute left and 
right (for images), and content.

- rationalize camel case naming throughout

- context switching, tied to "mode" attributes: setcontext, applycontext

- add destroy routine, onbeforedestroy, onafterdestroy event - keep free 
slot list for objects(dlobjects) array 

- ability to display all for print mode?, or to transfer state to print page...


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Content last modified on May 05, 2009, at 03:04 PM EST